New AG International welcomed delegates from 40+ countries to the Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. On the first day of the event, a workshop was held on how to market biostimulants, by Mike DeSa (AGD Consulting) and Barrett Sydnor (Syndor & Associates), with assistance from Carmela Pérez Calleja and Thiago Rodrigues Pozzobon. The session, which was over-subscribed and attended by more than 40 delegates, was a new addition to the event.
After the workshop, DeSa spoke to New AG International: “Although [the workshop was] at a biostimulants conference, we wanted to give guests some guiding principles that could be applied to lots of different categories… We talked about the traditional marketing framework and why there are some inherent challenges in it given the way we have conversations today.”
Full the full interview, listen to the podcast here.
We talked about branding and positioning, some general dos and don’ts.