In part two of the session, the discussion turned to Ukraine, which remains in the thick of a devastating war. However, the country’s entrepreneurs are already planning how they can drive forward the economic recovery once the war is over. Our panellists discussed how asset managers and investor capital will have a crucial role to play in rebuilding Ukraine post-war.
Yuri Bender, PhD candidate in Eastern European studies and editor in chief at Professional Wealth Management introduced Andrey Kolodyuk, chairman of the Ukrainian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association.
Kolodyuk spoke passionately about his belief that rebuilding Ukraine will be a $1 trillion opportunity which will benefit everyone.
“To rebuild Ukraine is an international project, not only the monetary side but actually to do something good for everyone here,” he said.
“Questions remain as to how it will be done, and I am confident it should be done together with Ukrainian PE and VC investors as a trusted counterparty for the international investment and business community.”
He added that the creative sector in Ukraine will have a significant role to play in the economic recovery.
“Half a million people are involved in the creative industries and building the companies, these are going to be the people who are rebuilding Ukraine.”