Green building is hardly a new concept. The sustainability movement emerged in the 1960s and has evolved from a grassroots effort to a global imperative. LEED building was first introduced in 2000 and has been growing steadily since then. Over the past 20 years, green business has gone mainstream. A diverse range of consumers, businesses, advocates, and policymakers have contributed to the growth of environments -- structures, infrastructures, design concepts, technologies, and communities -- that minimize waste and ensure the health and prosperity of the people who live and work in them. The green economy has the potential to become an equalizer. Neighborhoods of all sizes and demographic compositions can unite in one common mission -- preserving the planet. Sustainable building creates jobs, which grows local economies. This powerful interview with George Bandy Jr., Global Leader for CSR & Sustainability, delves into the role of green building in social responsibility.
Pre-2000: A fragmented concept
2000’s: The Formative Years
2020 & Beyond: The Circular Economy Becomes Mainstream