Forging a European banking market
Featuring Stefan Walter, European Central Bank
Enhancing transparency in supervision expectations
Featuring Michael Johnson, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
One year after a CCP member default: lessons learned and the path forward
Featuring Marnie Rosenberg, J.P. Morgan Chase
What will risk management look like after IBOR 2021?
Featuring ISDA representatives
FRTB – how much are business models going to change?
Featuring experts from ISDA, Lloyds Bank, Nomura, Deutsche Bank, and Nordea
Whilst the regulatory agenda immediately following the 2008 financial crisis has now softened over the last few years, there are still several pressing challenges for banks on the horizon.
IBOR is soon to be discontinued whilst FRTB has started affecting trading desks. More so than ever, banks need to be both compliant and agile, focusing on business as usual whilst adhering to the rules and avoiding potential fines and penalties.
With this eMagazine, we hope to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the issues to come, featuring some of the key conversations at RiskMinds International 2019.
We hope you enjoy!